Monday, 21 January 2013

Books Retired 4

I realize that over the years I have been a sucker for slim trendy 'management' books. I read them because everyone was reading them and -I admit- they were easy to read. Sadly they added nothing to a lasting understanding of what is in reality a complex field. I did earn some brownie points in casual office conversations though. It is the numerous authors who had the last laugh of course..!

Books Retired 3

A positive review in the Economist led me on to The Righteous Men: a high-brow endorsement for indulging in a thriller without guilt. After that I was quick to pick anything from Bourne. Found him addictive. However when I caught myself picking up Kuzneski as a possible Bourne look-alike I knew the addiction had crossed limits. Time to move on. In hindsight if I had known that it was really Jonathan Freedland all along I may not have got hooked. I would have suspected the reviewer of promoting a fellow journalist ! Another addition to the pile in the loft awaiting disposal.